Zero Trust API Security Architect

The cybersecurity threat landscape has changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Every day new kinds of threats are coming and impacting the organization’s business. Infosec/Security teams have always had challenges with this new threat to find the root cause and mitigate these risks.

To mitigate and overcome these constant/real-time threats and risks, the security fraternity introduces Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) Or Zero Trust Strategy (ZTS).  ZTA is not a product or application, but it is a concept and practice to mitigate any risk for your organization.

What is ZTA/ZTS?

Zero Trust is an information security model that denies access to applications and data by default. Threat prevention is achieved by continuously validating for security configuration and posture before being granted or keeping access to applications and data across users and their associated devices. All entities are untrusted by default; least privilege access is enforced; and comprehensive security monitoring is implemented.

Here are the basic properties for ZTA/ZTS

  • Default deny
  • Access by policy only
  • For data, workloads, users, devices
  • Least privilege access
  • Security monitoring
  • Risk-based verification

How API implement ZTA/ZTS?

API Security focuses on strategies and solutions to understand and mitigate the unique vulnerabilities and security risks of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). In API security we establish certain rules and processes to mitigate security risks.  These rules and processes are around Zero trust architecture or strategy. Here are a few basic strategies in API security to implement ZTA.

  1. All API communications are secured regardless of network location – This risk can be mitigated by ensuring all communication happens over an encrypted communication channel (TLS) and implementing a proper Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy. The endpoint for API needs to be exposed through the HTTPS protocol.
  2. All API endpoints are authenticated regardless of their environments (Prod, QA, Dev) — By default, all APIs need to be authenticated and authorized using username/password, JSON Web Token (JWT), OAuth, OpenID Connect, or third-party services.
  3. All API resources are protected and restricted to all users by default — Running multiple versions of an API requires additional management resources from the API provider and expands the attack surface. As per ZTA, make sure all API versions and their resources are restricted if it is not used by the user. Always validate and properly sanitize data received from integrated APIs before using it.
  4. Access to API resources is determined by dynamic policy including the client identity, application/service, and the requesting asset – Any API requires resources such as network bandwidth, CPU, memory, and storage. It is easy to exploit these resources by simple API calls or multiple concurrent requests. According to Zero Trust Architect, all APIs must implement API policies like:
    • Client identity (ClientID/Client-Secret)
    • Execution timeouts (Rate limiting)
    • Maximum allowable memory
    • Maximum number of file descriptors
    • Maximum number of processes
    • Maximum upload file size
  5. Implement or configure API monitoring posture and API Alert system — API monitoring helps identify and resolve performance issues as well as security vulnerability issues before they negatively impact users, which can impact user experience. The alert system notifies the operation team to mitigate risk quickly.
  6. Continuous API security risk assessments – Continuous risk assessments help the Infosec/Security team identify any security risk gap. By conducting the security risk assessments, organizations establish a baseline of cybersecurity measurements, and such baselines could be referenced to or compared against future results to improve overall cyber posture and resiliency further and demonstrate progress. A Free Security assessments tool VAT is available to mitigate any security risk for your organization.

Organizations that have adopted the Zero Trust API model, see trust as fundamental to creating a positive, low-friction work culture for their clients and empowering the organization at all levels. Many of our Vanrish Technology clients, we worked with have many of the technologies in place that can be leveraged toward full Zero Trust architect model adoption.

Why Airlines Need Digital Transformation

When the Wright brothers flew their first plane they never imagined that after 100 years this industry will be one of the biggest and most complex. Initially Airlines were a part of luxury transportation but nowadays it is a necessity for most. Every day thousands of airplanes are flying and millions of passengers are reaching their destination.

To streamline the whole process, all departments of airlines should work synchronously and efficiently. There are a lot of variables involved to execute one task efficiently with a very little margin for error. The airline industry is the best example of machines and humans working together in harmony, which allows tasks to be completed quickly and accurately without any errors. The Airline’s biggest challenge is finding ways to reduce costs while still providing quality service.

Airline industries need to put forward the best process in place in order to remain competitive and profitable. All processes, including, operational structure, route network, fleet size, and pricing strategy need to be digitized and transparent to compete against their competitors and continue to be cost-effective.

Successful Adoption of Digital Transformation is the key to success to Airlines business.

Digital transformation allows Airlines to enable data efficiently and securely. It also helps in reducing the cost of operation and increases the efficiency.

Here are few area where Digital Transformation is helping Airlines to work efficiently and cost-effective .

Market & Partner Data – The Covid pandemic was a big disruption for the Airline market. Tracking and monitoring real-time Covid data after the pandemic is very important in managing your operation efficiently. Airlines work with their partner to get Market Data, Events, Weather, Traveler In-Flux, Reviews, and External Traveler Information for their operation. Integration with partner data is very important to get contextual insights for airlines.

Travel  Data – To run the airline industry efficiently their passenger System of Record needs to integrate efficiently. Those system are not limited to  Passenger service system (PSS),Computer reservation system ( CRS), Global distribution system (GDS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Traveler Profile, Fare, Schedule, Availability, Preferences, Assets, and Distribution with Offers & Orders (NDC).

Intent & Sentiment Data – Social Media Platform is one of the invaluable tools for airlines to stay ahead of their competitors. By leveraging Sentiment & Intent Behavior analysis on social media platforms, airlines can better understand passenger preferences and tailor services accordingly. This helps the Airlines build customer loyalty and increase profits over time.

Customer & Services Data – Managing historical customer and service data help airlines to get their customer sentiment and preference. These data includes Demographic and Identity Data, Profile, Cases Contact Center History, and Service Interactions data. This data helps airlines to understand passenger preference and provide better service. 

Marketing & Loyalty – Digital Transformation combining predictive analytics and human-centric design to create a more personalized experience to drive growth in loyalty, satisfaction and incremental revenue. It also helps in marketing to track Campaign Metrics, Digital Footprint, Experiential Targeting, Audience Segmentation, Digital Marketplace. 

Devices & Location Data – Airlines operation depends on IoT Sensor Data, Telemetry, Mobile, Voice, Geolocation, Location-Based data. This Intelligence based data is revolutionizing procurement through real time decision making. Allow the operational team to know the exact location of goods at any given time.

These are the big impact of digital transformation in airlines industries

  • Quicker time to market
  • Smooth Transitioning
  • Enhanced Business Agility
  • Reduce cost
  • Innovate and drive operational excellence   

Security for Critical Data

When organization is migrating to digital transformation, data security is a big concern. Digital transformation impacts every aspect of business operation and execution. The volume of data that any organization creates, manipulates, and stores digitally is growing, and that drives a greater need for data governance. Large volume of data security is the biggest challenge for any organization for their entire data lifecycle. 

Data security is a process to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft  during the entire data lifecycle.

Here are a few steps to mitigate data risk and implement data security.

  • Event Monitoring
  • Data Detection
  • Data Encryption
  • Data Audit Trail

Event Monitoring – This activity includes Prevention, mitigation, and monitoring threats to sensitive data.

  • Monitor user activity – Know who is accessing data from where with real-time event streaming and min 3-6 months of event history.
  • Prevent and mitigate threats – Define and  build Transaction Security policies using declarative conditions or code to prevent and mitigate threats.
  • Drive adoption and performance – Analyze user behavior to enable security training for organization and find security bottlenecks to improve user experience.
  • Event Log Files – Create event log file for rich visibility into your org for security, adoption and performance purposes

Data Detection –  Find and classify the sensitive data quickly and mitigate data risk. 

  • Monitor Data Classification Coverage – Determine which data in your organization have been categorized versus uncategorized. High sensitive data needs to be secure properly. Label data appropriately to manage data security.

Data Encryption – Encrypt sensitive data at rest while preserving business functionality.

  • Encrypt data and maintain functionality – Protect data and attachments while data search, lookups, transportation and storage.
  • Key Management – Data encryption key management is very important to secure organization data. It includes control and authorization of data encryption keys.
  • Policy Management – Data policy management is defining and managing rules or procedures for accessing data. It allows individuals to follow certain processes to access data during storing or transit.. 

Data Audit Trail – It allows strengthening data integrity for an extended period. This strengthening data integrity process enables compliance and gains insights.

  • Data History – Store data as long as you can use this historical data for audit Trail or delete if you do not need this data.
  • Data retention policy – Data retention policy defines what data or how long this historical data needs to be stored for audit. Based on sensitivity of data you can archive from 3-6 months or more.
  • Insight of data – Create insight and dashboard for data audit transparency. It allows any organization to track any compliance or data security issue.

Retail 2023: The new Trend

From the last few years COVID pandemic has changed the whole Retail business spectrum in ways we could have never imagined before. Exploring new and accelerated trends gives us an indication of how this evolution will continue into the new normal. This pandemic also leads to closure of countless stores and bankruptcy. After surviving from the pandemic, inflation is hard hitting Retail business. Supply chain is also getting impacted with the Russia-Ukraine war. Now experts are saying that the greatest risk facing global supply chains has shifted from the pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine military conflict and the geopolitical and economic uncertainties.

With all this news for Retail industries, customer expectations and habits have shifted. Customers expect engagement on values to go beyond point of purchase to creating moments of engagement across the full journey. Now retailers have been compelled to find new ways to connect with consumers in a personalized and tailored way in-store as well as online to make a more intuitive experience. Retailers are going more digitized in their approach to connect with customers.

This is how retailers are moving forward to reach a wider customer base and lure their product. 

  1. e-commerce Technologies – In pandemic time if your business presence was not online then you will be out of business quickly. So Retailers have increased investment in e-commerce technologies. They increased the budget for digital transformation. To get ahead of competition, they are offering a mix of digital and physical experiences ahead of their rivals. Retailers are also focusing on customer service and providing seamless service experience across messaging, web and mobile channels. Retailers are creating a cohesive and connected customer shopping journey with e-commerce and unified data across systems.
  1. Infrastructure– Retailers are upgrading their instore as well as online infrastructure. They are replacing traditional store signs with digital signs and screens to display ads and videos. They are also adding kiosks and self-checkouts within the store. This is making the shopping experience more convenient and personalized. Shoppers are in and out, without having to make small talk or wait in queues. Deployment of in-store technologies double in a year.
  1. API-first and Cloud – Retailers are focused on Composable architecture. Composable architectures are key players to  implement successful digital transformations and most engaging digital experiences. 2023 will be a year of focus for retailers to remove entirely their legacy monolithic architectures. API-first and Cloud based solutions help retailers to switch to new functionality without the need for significant investment and resources. This will reduce the incredible amount of time and cost of ownership of a fraction of legacy technologies. API-first connectivity helps customers to shop anytime, anywhere and anyhow
  1. Customer experience – Customer experience is the one the main focus for Retailers this year. The focus of customer experience is online as well as in store experience. Retailers are providing customers enhanced assisted-selling experiences through assisted Selling. They are also focusing online customers through distributed OMS (Order Management System), Omni-channel and remote Selling. Retails are preparing for next level customer experience through loyalty(customers long-term relationships), native App and AI based digital fitting room.
  1. Merchandising & Supply Chain – Retailers are providing real time tracking and inventory information to their customers. They are also providing purchase incentives to their loyal customers so that they can keep engaging customers for their products. Retailers are also focusing on upgradation of warehouse management (WMS) to fulfill in-store as well as online orders.


In today’s competitive markets, industries face many challenges in order to remain successful. These include staying ahead of the competition, understanding customers need and preferences, and providing a high level of service that will make customers happy.

Here are few challenges for current industries

  1. Resolve customer issues ASAP
  2. Collect and qualify customer information
  3. Easily connect to business process
  4. Enable business new features quickly.

In current business requirements 90% of organizations see increased demand for automation from business teams, due to that 95% of IT leaders are prioritizing automation. 

Automation is a critical component of digital transformation and business success. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bots are at the forefront of this revolution, providing businesses with an automated solution to optimize their processes while improving customer experiences. RPA bots can be used in many areas such as data entry, document processing and workflow management; they automate repetitive tasks that would otherwise take up valuable resources from human employees. This automation not only increases efficiency but also reduces costs associated with manual labor, allowing companies to focus on more pressing issues like innovation or collaboration between departments. By utilizing intelligent bots powered by artificial intelligence (AI), companies can further streamline operations and provide customers with immediate feedback on requests or inquiries in real time without manual intervention from employees. Additionally, natural language processing (NLP) capabilities allow chatbots used in websites or apps to respond quickly and accurately when communicating with customers.

Using NLP, Bots can decipher specific sentences or words customers type and associate them to an intent. NLP provides insights by analyzing past chat transcripts to identify common customer utterances or phrases (such as order status, account information, password reset, logging an issue, etc.) that the Bot can use to take action. A predictive model for bots to understand intent and take action called intent model. The intent model is made up of intents and utterances.

APIs , NLP and AI are the essential components for Bots. Once an intent model from NLP identifies action then Bots call APIs. APIs help to execute tasks from the backend system for Bots. Suppose if users are looking for order status from bots and APIs are not responding on time it will fail the whole Bots purpose. So APIs are one of the key components for Bots.

APIs streamline Bots tasks and automated any process/tasks for any team. Bots and APIs empower business and IT teams to collaborate with ease and break silos in every step of their automation journey. Enable end-to-end automation at scale Reuse and compose RPA securely.

API Security

API is a key component of digital transformation. API is the interface of your legacy and SAAS data. The goal of APIs is to facilitate the transfer and enablement  of data between your system and external users. APIs are typically available through public networks like the internet to communicate to external users and expose your data into the public domain.

Since your data is exposed into the public domain through APIs, It can lead to a data breach. APIs can be broken and expose sensitive personal as well as company data. An insecure API can be an easy target for hackers to gain access to your system and network. Rise of IOT devices and usage of APIs by these IOT devices, APIs are now more vulnerable. 

According to owasp, these are 10 main API vulnerabilities.

  1. Broken Object Level Authorization – Expose endpoints that handle object identifiers, creating a wide attack surface Level Access Control issue.
  2. Broken User Authentication – Authentication mechanisms are implemented incorrectly.
  3. Excessive Data Exposure – Developers  expose all object properties without considering their individual sensitivity
  4. Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting – APIs do not impose any restrictions on the size or number of resources that can be requested by the client/user, lead to Denial of Service (DoS) attack on APIs
  5. Broken Function Level Authorization Complex access control policies with different hierarchies lead to authorization flaws.
  6. Mass Assignment – Without proper properties filtering based on an allowlist, usually leads to Mass Assignment.
  7. Security Misconfiguration – Misconfiguration or lack of Security configuration  is commonly a result of insecure APIs
  8. SQL Injection SQL Injection occurs when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query.
  9. Improper Assets Management – APIs tend to expose more endpoints than traditional web applications lead to improper expose APIs.
  10. Insufficient Logging & Monitoring – Insufficient logging and monitoring fail to find your vulnerability and broken integration.

How to mitigate API security risk?

  • API supports secure sockets layer (SSL), transport layer security (TLS), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocols, which provide security by encrypting data during the transfer process.
  • Apply Basic Auth minimum with API or  if you want to more secure your API then enable 2 way authentication through OAuth framework . 
  • Apply Authorization on each API resource to more control on API security through external Identity and access management provider (IAM).
  • Use encryption and signatures to all your API exposed personal and organizational sensitive data.
  • Apply API throttling through API manager to control number of user access per API (Rate Limiting).
  • Implement best practice of exception handling on your APIs to hide all your internal server and database information to mitigate SQL injection security risk.
  • Use Service Mesh to manage different layers of API management and control.
  • Audit your APIs and remove all unused API from your API catalog.
  • Add proper logging, Monitoring and Alerting on your APIs to keep track of your APIs activity.

Conclusion: APIs are a critical part of modern AI, mobile, SaaS, IOT and web applications. APIs Security should be the main focus on strategies and solutions to mitigate the unique vulnerabilities and security risks .

APIs Integration with IOT and CRM improves Customer Service

APIs integration helping IOT and CRM to enable better customer experience

IOT (Internet of things) is revolutionizing our lives. As per Gartner report by 2025 IOT market will expand a 58-billion-dollar opportunity. It is affecting all parts of our life. In our pandemic era we found more use of IOT device to maintain social distancing.

IOT is also one of the main disruptive technologies in our businesses. It is affecting all business domain including healthcare, retail, automotive, security.

There are wide range of IOT benefits in business.

  • Enhanced productivity
  • Better customer experience
  • Cost-effectiveness

CRM system is keeping all your customer relationship like data, notes, metrics and more – in one place. CRM is helping small business to take off all burden from the IT management team by automating the business process. It is also helping employee to keep the focus on the critical business areas.

API is helping to integrate these two unrelated systems. APIs are enabling this system to optimize process and streamline whole business process. API is the main communication channel to build robust process and keeping real time update to these systems. APIs are allowing to build context-based application with IOT and CRM to interact with the physical world.

Now here are few areas where IOT is helping CRM system with help of APIs to optimize business process.

  1. Optimize customer service – Before your customer finds any error in your service/product you proactively acting on error and fixing those error. This will help to build relationship with customer.
  2. Increase sales – With help of IOT and CRM system you are finding untouched opportunity and using those opportunity to increase your sale.
  3. Personalize customer experience – You are analyzing data provided by IOT and CRM system and building user based predictive model to enable personalize experience to user.
  4. Customer retention – CRM provide customer data and relationship. IOT data providing customer behavior. This will help any business to personalize and target marketing for their customer.
  5. Omnichannel instore experience – IOT and CRM is helping business to enable 360 omnichannel customer experience. This process will help and suggest the products which the customer might purchase.

APIs  integration with IOT and CRM helping business to enable higher degree of personalization, target marketing, optimize price model, higher revenue and enhance customer satisfaction.

Mulesoft 4: Using Java in Dataweave 2.0

Mule 4 introduces DataWeave 2.0 as the default expression language replacing Mule Expression Language (MEL). DataWeave 2.0 is tightly integrated with the Mule 4 runtime engine, which runs the scripts and expressions in your Mule application.

Since Dataweave 2.0 is default expression language for Mule 4, Dataweave can use almost all place within your Mule application. So, In some use-case Dataweave needs to call java method or instantiate java class to execute java complex business logic.

In my previous blog I explained usage of java within Mulesoft flow. In this blog I am explaining usage of java within Dataweave 2.0.

There are 2 ways we can use java within Dataweave code

  1. Calling java method
  2. Instantiate Java class
1. Calling java method There is restriction with Dataweave when calling to java. you can only call Static methods via DataWeave (methods that belong to a Java class, not methods that belong to a specific instance of a class). Before making a method call from java class, you must import the class.

Here is Dataweave code

In dataweave this method can use multiple way

Import only method instead of the whole class:

%dw 2.0
import java!com::vanrish::AppUtils:: encode
output application/json
encode:encode("mystring" as String)

import and call it in a single line:

%dw 2.0
output application/json

    encode: java!com::vanrish::AppUtils:: encode ("mystring" as String)
2. Instantiate Java class Dataweave allows to instantiate a new object of any java class but you can’t call its instance method through dataweave. You can refer it as variables.

%dw 2.0
import java!com::vanrish::AppUtils
output application/json
     value: AppUtils::new().data

package com.vanrish;

import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
 * @author rajnish
public class AppUtils{
	public static final BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
        private String data;
	 * @param plainString
	 * @return
	public static String encode(String plainString)
		String encodedString = encoder.encodeBuffer(plainString.getBytes());
		return encodedString;

	 * @param dataStr
	 * @return
	public String getData(String dataStr)
              data = dataStr+" : test";
              return  data;

MuleSoft 4: Using Java in Mule Flow

MuleSoft is a lightweight integration and API platform that allows you to connect anything anywhere and enable your data through API. Mule evolved from java and spring framework. MuleSoft supports multiple language although all Mule module are developed in java.

 Since Mule evolved from java it has capability to use direct java class and method in Mule flow. This capability gives flexibility to Mule developer to use java for complex business logic.

There are several ways you can use java within Mule. Here are some of Java modules available to use within MuleSoft application

There are 4 java modules are available in MuleSoft flow

  1. New
  2. Invoke
  3. Invoke static
  4. Validate type

To explain all these components and uses in Mule flow I created and classes

1. New – class instantiation can be achieved by calling constructor of this class through MuleSoft New component within Mule flow.

AppUtils java class defined 2 contractors, So Mule constructor properties for NEW component is showing 2 options.

New module without parameter

<java:new doc:name="Instantiate appUtils" doc:id="22ddcb7e-82ed-40f8-bc11-b779ceedd1a1"
constructor="AppUtils()" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" target="appInst">

New module with parameter

<java:new doc:name="Instantiate appUtils" doc:id="22ddcb7e-82ed-40f8-bc11-b779ceedd1a1"
constructor="AppUtils(String)" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" target="appInst">
<java:args ><![CDATA[#[{paramVal:"Hello world}]]]>

In above code, Instance of AppUtils class is created and placed into the “appInst”  target variables to reuse same instance in Mule flow.

New module
2. InvokeIn new java module we instantiate class and placed into “appInst” variable. Now to use this variable set Invoke module and call one of method define in class. In class, there is one non static method “generateRandomNumber” defined with String parameter. In example we call this method through Invoke module.
<java:invoke doc:name="Invoke" doc:id="9348e2cf-87fe-4ff7-958c-f430d0421702"
instance="#[vars.appInst]" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" method="generateRandomNumber(String)">
<java:args ><![CDATA[
Invoke module
3. Invoke staticInvoke static java module enable mule flow to call java static method. This is one of the easy ways to call any java method in Mule flow.

Mule code is calling to java static method

<java:invoke-static doc:name="Invoke static" doc:id="bc3e110c-d970-47ef-891e-93fb3ffb61bd" 
class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" method="encode(String)">
<java:args ><![CDATA[#[{plainString:"mystringval"}]]]></java:args>
Invoke-static module
4. Validate typeValidate type java module use instance of method from java. This module accepts “Accept subtypes” parameter which indicates if the operation should accept all subclasses of a class. By default it acceptSubtypes=“true” which means it will accept all sub class of main class but if it will set as false acceptSubtypes=“false” then during execution the operation throws an error (JAVA:WRONG_INSTANCE_CLASS)
<java:validate-type doc:name="Validate type" doc:id="288c791c-50eb-4be0-b924-56481dfdc023"
class="com.vanrish.Utils" instance="#[vars.appInst]" acceptSubtypes="false"/>
Validate-type module

Java in Mule flow diagram

java in Mule flow

package com.vanrish;

public class Utils{

package com.vanrish;
import java.util.Random;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
 * @author rajnish
public class AppUtils extends Utils {
	public static final BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
	//Constructor without Parameter
	public AppUtils(){
		System.out.println("Constructor with no parameter");
	//Constructor with Parameter
  public AppUtils(String paramVal){
		System.out.println("Constructor with parameter value="+paramVal);
	 * @param String
	 * @return
	public  String generateRandomNumber(String numVal) {
		Integer numNoRange = null;
		  Random rand = new Random();
		  if(numVal !=null) {
			  numNoRange = rand.nextInt(new Integer(numVal));
		  }else {
		   numNoRange = rand.nextInt();
	    return numNoRange.toString();
	 * @param plainString
	 * @return
	public static String encode(String plainString)
		String encodedString = encoder.encodeBuffer(plainString.getBytes());
		return encodedString;

Mulesoft Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:java="" xmlns:db=""
xmlns:ee="" xmlns:http="" xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" doc:id="af3ce281-bf68-4c7b-83fb-52b2d2506677" > <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" /> </http:listener-config> <flow name="helloworldFlow" doc:id="a13826dc-67a1-4cda-8133-bc16a59ddba2" > <http:listener doc:name="Listener" doc:id="82522c77-5c33-4003-820a-7a04b51c3001" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="helloworld"/> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="b40bc107-1ab5-4a3f-8f20-d7dfb63e5acb" message="entering flow"/> <java:new doc:name="Instantiate appUtils" doc:id="c1854580-f4d4-4e5c-a34d-7ca185152d02" constructor="AppUtils(String)" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" target="appInst" > <java:args ><! [CDATA[#[{ paramVal:"Hello world" }]]]></java:args> </java:new> <java:invoke doc:name="Invoke" doc:id="9348e2cf-87fe-4ff7-958c-f430d0421702" instance="#[vars.appInst]" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" method="generateRandomNumber(String)"> <java:args ><![CDATA[#[{ numVal:null }]]]></java:args> </java:invoke> <java:invoke-static doc:name="Invoke static" doc:id="bc3e110c-d970-47ef-891e-93fb3ffb61bd" class="com.vanrish.AppUtils" method="encode(String)"> <java:args ><![CDATA[#[{ plainString:"mystringval" }]]]></java:args> </java:invoke-static> <java:validate-type doc:name="Validate type" doc:id="288c791c-50eb-4be0-b924-56481dfdc023" class="com.vanrish.Utils" instance="#[vars.appInst]"/> <set-payload value="Success" doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="8b6c9c0b-07c8-4e17-b649-2c24d4da8bea" /> </flow> </mule>

Mule 4: Consuming APIs through Mule 4 application

Mulesoft is all about API strategy and digital transformation of your organization through APIs within cloudHub or in premise.  Mulesoft also provides platform for APIs to monitor and analyze the usage, control access and protect sensitive data with security policies. API is at the heart of digital transformation and it enables greater speed, flexibility and agility of any organization.

            Exposing of your APIs is one aspect of your digital transformation strategy, but consuming API is also as important as exposing APIs. Consuming API is either application getting data from APIs or create/update data through APIs. Most of APIs are based on HTTP/HTTPS protocol. In Mule 4 consuming APIs is also start with configuration of HTTP/HTTPs protocol.

Configuration of HTTP/HTTPS— HTTP/HTTPS configuration start with selecting protocol. If API is available through HTTP then select protocol HTTP with default port 80 or change port based on expose API document.  If APIs are available through secured connection, then select HTTPS protocol with default port 443. Fill the Host with your expose API end point without any protocol. Fill the other field with default value.

Authentication of API are available with five different selection

  1. None – No authentication. Available for everyone
  2. Expression – Custom or expression-based authentication
  3. Basic authentication – Username/Password authentication
  4. Digest authentication — web server can use to negotiate credentials, such as username or password, with a user’s web browser
  5. Ntlm authentication — NT (New Technology) LAN Manager (NTLM) . Microsoft security protocols intended to provide authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users

If you are working on post/patch/put method api to send data into expose api, set some important parameter based on streaming mode. If API are exposed as streaming mode, then you need to mention content-size of streaming otherwise set value as “NEVER”, then you no need to set content-size.

API Get Call – API get call implement GET method of APIs. Implementation of API get call need parameters. Based on these parameters application get set of data. MuleSoft provide 4 ways to pass these parameters or values.

  • Body
  • Headers
  • Query Parameters
  • URI Parameters

Flow for GET Method


POST – Create data

PUT/PATCH – Update data

Similar to Get method call, for POST/PUT/PATCH method application send API parameters based on API requirement. Since application is creating/Updating data through POST/PUT/PATCH api call, application sends these data through body parameters with content-type.

Flow for POST/PUT/PATCH Method

Here is flow of API GET call

Implemented code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:db="" xmlns:ee=""
xmlns="" xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
 <configuration-properties doc:name="Configuration properties" doc:id="4bfab9b8-5f36-4b72-b335-35f6f7c3627e" file="" />
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" doc:id="49f690e3-8636-45a2-a3f3-244fa170f2f0" basePath="/media" >
<http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />
<http:request-config name="HTTPS_Request_configuration" doc:name="HTTP Request configuration" doc:id="4e8927df-e355-4dcd-9bdc-bf154ab1146a" requestStreamingMode="NEVER">
<http:request-connection host="" port="443" protocol="HTTPS" connectionIdleTimeout="50000" streamResponse="true">
<http:authentication >
<http:basic-authentication username="2xxxxxxx-xxx0-xxbx-bxxf-xxxxxxxc5" password="xxxxxxxx3dxxxxxb153dbxxxxx29cxxx"/>
<flow name="demo-mediaFlow" doc:id="a55b1d37-b63d-4336-8d8e-5b70bc354078">
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" doc:id="9dc041e5-3140-47a1-a13c-39ee3ba59389" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="9bc54079-8718-4dc1-a433-91081dfdabff" message="Get flow Entering ..... "/>
<http:request method="GET" doc:name="Request" doc:id="872f3240-e954-469a-b330-83aa7e40c3db" config-ref="HTTPS_Request_configuration" path="/api/users">
         <http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
"client_id" : "xxxx2-d960-4xxx-b5df-4d704ce2xxxx",
"client_secret" : "xxxd5e8663xxxf1b153db732529cxxx",
"Range" : "items=0-2000"
<http:uri-params ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
test : "123"
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="9b733315-038b-4f4c-9c2e-15fc026f0524" message="data coming from GET API ...... total payload size --- #[sizeOf(payload)]"/>
<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="383e857d-efe7-45df-ab33-b75a073080b7" >
<ee:message >
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/json
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="769a6306-ee9a-4f51-94ad-562ad1042c5e" message="Getting data from API #[payload]"/>