Anypoint Platform: External (OKTA) Identity Management

Anypoint Platform acts as a client provider by default, but you can also configure external client providers to authorize client applications. As an API owner, you can apply an OAuth 2.0 policy to authorize client applications that try to access your API. You need an OAuth 2.0 provider to use an OAuth 2.0 policy. You can configure more than one client provider and associate the client providers with different environments. If you configure multiple client providers after you have already created environments, you can associate the new client providers with the environment. 

MuleSoft supports client management by identity providers that implement the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration open standard. MuleSoft explicitly verifies support in Anypoint Platform for Salesforce, Okta, and OpenAM v14 Dynamic Client Registration. The following table contains examples of the URLs you need to supply, depending on your provider, during registration.

URL NameOkta Example URLOpenAM Example URLSalesforce Example URL
Client Registration {BASE URL}/clients {BASE URL}/connect/register {BASE URL}/register
Authorize {BASE URL}/authorize {BASE URL}/authorize {BASE URL}/authorize
Token {BASE URL}/token {BASE URL}/access_token {BASE URL}/token
Token Introspection {BASE URL}/introspect {BASE URL}/introspect {BASE URL}/introspect
URL Name Okta Example URL OpenAM Example URL Salesforce Example URL

Steps to Create External Client Provider

  • Log in to Anypoint Platform using an account that has the organization administrator role.
  • In Anypoint Platform, click Access Management.
  • In the menu on the left, click Client Providers.

  • Click Add Client Provider, and then select OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration.
    The Add OIDC client provider page appears.
  • After obtaining values from your identity provider’s configuration, complete the following required fields in each section:
    • Dynamic Client Registration
      • Issuer: URL that the OpenID provider asserts is its trusted issuer.
      • Client Registration URL: The URL to dynamically register client applications as a client application for your identity provider.
      • Authorization Header
        • For Okta, this value is SSWS ${api_token}, where api_token is an API token created through Okta.
        • For ForgeRock, this value is Bearer ${api_token}, where api_token is an API token created through ForgeRock.
        • For Salesforce, this value is Bearer ${api_token}, where api_token is an API token created through Salesforce. In Advanced Settings you can also select:
      • Disable server certificate validation: Disables server certificate validation if your OpenID client management instance presents a self-signed certificate, or one signed by an internal certificate authority.
      • Enable client deletion in Anypoint Platform: Enables deletion of clients created with this integration.
      • Enable client deletion and updates in IdP: To use this option, you must also select the Enable client deletion in Anypoint Platform option.
    • Token Introspection Client
      • Client ID: The client ID for an existing client in your IdP capable of introspection of all tokens from all clients.
        • For Okta, this value should be a “Confidential” client.
        • For ForgeRock, this value should be a “Confidential” client.
        • For Salesforce, this value should be a “Confidential” client.
      • Client Secret: The client secret that corresponds to the client ID.
    • OpenID Connect Authorization URLs
      • Authorize URL: The URL where the user authenticates and grants OpenID Connect client applications access to the user’s identity.
      • Token URL: The URL that provides the user’s identity, encoded in a secure JSON Web Token.
      • Token Introspection URL: endpoint that returns metadata about the access token, including expiration and token active state.

Mule 4: Consume a SOAP Webservice

The Web Service Consumer is an existing connector in Mule 4 that you can configure to point to a SOAP based web service. Webservice consumer call webservice hosted elsewhere as WSDL SOAP services and get response. This connector simplified process and encapsulated all the feature to consume SOAP based webservice. When no connector is available specific to any product (like Service-Now, Workday etc.), which is hosted as SOAP based webservice then this webservice consumer Connector enables any services to consume.

The main feature of this connector is

  • Consuming DOC Literal Web services.
  • SOAP multipart messages.
  • SOAP Headers.
  • DataSense support for SOAP Headers, SOAP Body, and Attachment.
  • Embedded DataWeave transformations inside the operation.
  • Support and Unified experience for SOAP with attachments and MTOM handling.
  • Custom HTTP configuration as transport (runtime and design time).
  • Web Service Security (WS Security) support.

Connector Configuration- In this section we define connector configuration to communicate with SOAP based webservice end point. By default, connector uses a simple non protected HTTP configuration to send all outgoing SOAP message.  In connector configuration you can select your SOAP version from drop down  and provide WSDL location. Connector extract and populates Service, Port and webservice endpoint address from WSDL file.

But if you are using secure endpoint address with HTTPS you need to configure custom Transportation Configuration for HTTPS.

These are the steps to enable your secure HTTPS endpoint.

  • Create jks file with keytool command
 keytool -keystore clientkeystore.jks -genkey -alias client 
  • Download certificate from WSDL HTTPS endpoint and add this certificate in your JKS file with below command
keytool -importcert -file certificate.cer -keystore clientkeystore.jks -alias "Alias"
  • Now configure TLS Context for Webservice consumer connector.
<tls:context name="TLS_Context" doc:name="TLS Context" doc:id="f634b824-2695-4d5f-8789-7a309b1511cb" >
           <tls:trust-store path="certificate/clientkeystore.jks" password="xxxxxx" type="jks" />
  • Now configure HTTP Request configuration for HTTPS endpoint.
<http:request-config name="HTTPS_Request_configuration" doc:name="HTTPS Request configuration" doc:id="02db1fd9-9f04-4eae-83cf-df43effd25d2">
           <http:request-connection protocol="HTTPS" host="" port="443" tlsContext="TLS_Context">

  • If TLS and HTTPS configuration configured then you can select HTTP request configuration from Webservice consumer
<wsc:config name="BookService_Web_Service_Consumer_Config" doc:name="Book Web Service Consumer Config" doc:id="59fd0d73-f90d-4cf0-9855-c008307067a2" >
 <wsc:connection wsdlLocation="wsdl\bookservice.wsdl" service="BookService" port="BookServicePort" address="">
  <wsc:custom-transport-configuration >
    <wsc:http-transport-configuration requesterConfig="HTTPS_Request_configuration"/>

Connector Parameter- If connector configuration is configured properly, your operation parameters are available from WSDL as drop down options.

In Message section there are three parameters available

  1. Body – The Body is main part of the SOAP message. The body element accepts embedded DataWeave scripts as values so that you can construct the XML request without having a side effect on the message or having to use multiple components to create the request.
  2. Headers – The headers element contains application-specific information (like authentication, payment, and so on) about the SOAP message . This elements accepts embedded DataWeave scripts as values.
  3. Attachment – The attachments element enables you to bind attachments to the SOAP message. This element also accepts embedded DataWeave scripts as values.

Since you configured custom HTTPS connector for your webservice consumer Connector you can configure Transport Configuration. In Transport header section you can select “Edit inline” and add all your header parameters in line

<wsc:consume doc:name="Consume" doc:id="ca5a1247-7cf6-4c7f-a442-b6fd037c13c9" config-ref="BookService_Web_Service_Consumer_Config" operation="AddBook">
       <wsc:transport-headers >
          <wsc:transport-header key="SOAPAction" value="AddBook" />
          <wsc:transport-header key="Content-Type" value="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" />
          <wsc:transport-header key="Authorization" value="${book.authorization}" />

Here is webservice consumer flow diagram

Code for this flow

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:ee=""
	xmlns:http="" xmlns:tls=""
	xmlns="" xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<wsc:config name="BookService_Web_Service_Consumer_Config" doc:name="Book Web Service Consumer Config" doc:id="59fd0d73-f90d-4cf0-9855-c008307067a2" >
            <wsc:connection wsdlLocation="wsdl\bookservice.wsdl" service="BookService" port="BookServicePort" address="">
	            <wsc:custom-transport-configuration >
					<wsc:http-transport-configuration requesterConfig="HTTPS_Request_configuration" />

	<tls:context name="TLS_Context" doc:name="TLS Context" doc:id="f634b824-2695-4d5f-8789-7a309b1511cb" >
           <tls:trust-store path="certificate/clientkeystore.jks" password="changeit" type="jks" />

    <http:request-config name="HTTPS_Request_configuration" doc:name="HTTPS Request configuration" doc:id="02db1fd9-9f04-4eae-83cf-df43effd25d2">
           <http:request-connection protocol="HTTPS" host="" port="443" tlsContext="TLS_Context">

	<sub-flow name="addbook-ServiceSub_Flow" doc:id="511f0969-0b7d-4b7e-a113-60ef03e97648" >
             <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="e6bd0106-e512-4fdd-97cf-1dbd77e1e0e7" message="Entering into AddBook flow"/>
                             <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="06cc17de-86a9-4c53-a2f4-167d9561bed9" >
                                           <ee:message >
                                                          <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
 output application/xml skipNullOn="everywhere"
 ns n0
                 n0#Book : {
                 	Title : payload.title,
                 	Author :
                             <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="ce84f628-7b38-4d2d-b5e3-9fdded2c9289" message="soap request --> #[payload]"/>
<wsc:consume doc:name="Consume" doc:id="ca5a1247-7cf6-4c7f-a442-b6fd037c13c9" config-ref="BookService_Web_Service_Consumer_Config" operation="AddBook">
                                           <wsc:transport-headers >
                                                          <wsc:transport-header key="SOAPAction" value="AddBook" />
                                                          <wsc:transport-header key="Content-Type" value="text/xml; charset=UTF-8" />
                                                          <wsc:transport-header key="Authorization" value="${book.authorization}" />
                             <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="680d69e0-2b01-480c-afe7-660ca22b2f9f" message="AddBook Output-->#[payload]"/>
                             <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="72d26561-107a-4c6e-a7d4-85bd18e0d316" >
                                           <ee:message >
                                                          <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
ns ns0

output application/json skipNullOn="everywhere"
                             <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="ea517185-efa4-4bf2-a03f-e8bd4d308e80" message="Output AddBook --> #[payload]"/>